Energizing and Motivating Rytheme for Workout

It's been a while, maybe a years and half I didn't update my blog. Maybe I'm not into it anymore, there is a lot of things that happen in that time. Last September I did finish my degree, and attending the convocation ceremony. I suppose graduate last year, but I didn't make it, because of some problems. But finally this year I did it! So congratulations for me!

By the way, since last year I did start some serious workout. Yes! A Workout! Why? simple, I did it to gain some pound, and mostly to improves my appearance! Well its not that easy, my starting weight was 49kg, and now after a year and few month, I did pack some kilos of muscle. As for now my current weight is 64kg. So how many kilos? its about 15kg!! That is a lot of meat!

Well, its not an easy things to do, I mean to gain lean muscle. Of course if you just target to gain weight, without any exercise, just grab a ton of meal! but, I'm sure you might disappoint by the result, The shape is could be round at your belly, its probably just a fat! So, add some weight training, learn how to do simple compound exercise which is working more than one major muscle at a time, it saves more time and consume less energy as well. The key here is you must store more energy, or eat a lot of carbohydrates! and add protein 1/2 of carb quantity. That's it, simple right, that what I've done for last year until now. But sometime, I have no time to keep that discipline go on, I've stuck for few weeks until a month or two, I forgot those target, but now I'm on that track again, and I will gain some more man!

My target would be 75kg! so, maybe I need another 10 month!
So here I'm suggesting some energizing and motivating SONGS! while you workout! This sure boost your energy and your will power!

1.Eminem - Loose Yourself
2.Cristina Aguilera - Fighter
3.Fort Minor - Remember The Name
4.Eminen - Till I Collapse
5.50Cent - What's Up Gangsta

This is the best for me, but I'm still looking for more. So, till next time. See ya!
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14 Tutorial Photoshop Untuk Efek TEKS

Text dan Layer tools dalam photoshop merupakan dua elemen yang amat hebat sekiranya digunakan dengan cara yang sesuai dan betul. Dengan memanipulasi 2 elemen ini, pelbagai efek/kesan yang menarik dapat dihasilkan. Disini saya ingin berkongsi 20 tutorial yang saya anggap amat hebat bagi menghasilkan efek khas terhadap teks.

1. Create Destructive Black and White Lettering with a Dramatic Splash Effect

Belajar bagaimana untuk membuat beberapa penghurufan ekspresi, yang mana menghubungkan idea-idea dengan satu kata pusat. Anda akan menukar teks biasa ke menjadi bentuk yang hebat, contoh musnah, dan memberi gaya yang unik pada akhirnya.


2. Stunning 3D effects in 30 minutes

Kesan khas 3 dimensi yang hebat ini dapat dihasilkan dengan teknik yang mudah dan ringkas, dan hanya mengambil masa lebih kurang 30 minit!


3. How to Quickly Create a Stylish Retro Text Effect

Pelajari bagaimana mewujudkan kesan khas berlatarbelakangkan tema retro. Penggunaan alat Perspektif akan anda pelajari melalui tutorial ini.


4. Create a spectacular grass text effect in Photoshop

Dalam tutorial ini anda akan menggunakan aspek semulajadi, iaitu rumput sebagai kesan khas pada teks, dan ianya amat menarik bagi saya!! anda patut mencubanya.


5. Plastic text

Hasilkan permukaan teks yang seakan-akan plastik menggunkan photoshop sepenuhnya.


6. Text in stitches

Dalam tutorial ini, anda akan didedahkan kepada penggunaan fungsi CUSTOM BRUSH set, yang mana pada akhir tutorial, anda akan menghasilkan gambar seperti dibawah ini.


7. How to create a gold text effect in Photoshop

Pelajari bagaimana menghasilkan teks dengan efek keemasan yang sangat elegen. Seni yang kelihatan halus, namun berimpak besar!


8. Paper-craft text effect

Yang ini saya amat suka, secara peribadi saya amat mengkagumi kesan efek yang dihasilkan. Tidak rugi sekiranya anda mencuba.


9. Dramatic text-on-fire effect in Photoshop

Menggunakan stok foto gambar api, untuk memberikan efek api pada teks yang sememangnya kelihatan semulajadi dan “eyes catching”.


10. Warm neon glow

Hanya enam langkah untuk menghasilkan efek hebat ini.


11. Super-cool frilly bits typography

Dalam tutorial ini, anda akan belajar bagaimana untuk memanipulasi beberapa vektor bersama dengan huruf bagi mewujudkan reka bentuk yang sebenarnya unik dan menarik.


12. Decorative text


13. A slick supernatural text effect


14. Light burst



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Cool Typography Wallpaper

typographic ak collectionThis is another typography wallpaper which is i made with Photoshop. Its is one of the most simple graphic I ever made. And how did I do it?

Here is the step in producing the above images, its is extremely simple and take a few minutes only.

First create a new layer with dimension of 1200x800, and then fill this background with black color. You can switch the foreground color just by pressing D button on your keyboard.

After that, using type tools, use this configuration font size 16pt, color is a bit brighter than black. Then start typing words, this layer is for the small words as you can see in the picture above.

Just write a simple sentences, and then you can copy and past it to fill all the area. You don’t have to type it all. Okay, be efficient!

When you done with the words, now you can rotate this words 45degree, so it will look like the above picture. When you are done with rotating the word, again using font tools, resize the word area, until it fill all the area, then copy paste the word to fill the whole area. Get it? This part you need to play with the area and magnification, so that you can see the whole area is filled with word. Just to remind, the word is best to be UPPER CASE (capital letter), you can adjust the spacing, so that it will look full. When you are satisfied, you can resterize the word.

And now Using the font tools, we are going to make a large word, as you can see on the image above, the ak word is the largest (white color). I’ve been using this configuration (700pt font size, and white color, discognate font style) You can use any style as long its fit your desire, and also you can use vector picture from Illustration. But in this tutorial, I’m just using the font tools. after you finish and satisfied with the word, resterize it just like the first word we made.

Now we have 3 layers. The next step is press the control button on your keyboard and click on the thumbnail of the larger word, and you will have the selection. Now hide this large word layer, and click on the small word layer, and the right click, chose layer via cut!

And now you are having new layer, on this layer, go to Layer style and select Color Overlay, change the color to White (much better) or any color you like. Now, your large word is done!

Next is the red word COLLECTION, you can see on the above image. This is just simple one. create it with font tools, and then resterize it, copy the layer, making it two layer. the bottom one we add some blur effect (Gaussar), so it will look glowing.

And then the final step is adding the layer effect to the small word layer. Select the small word layer, and the go to layer style, chose Inner glow. and you can costumize it yourself! done!! Now you have been creating an awesome simple typography wallpaper!

For more detail and precise instruction you can visit ABDUZEEDO.com

Thanks and enjoy.

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How To Create Your Own Portrait Typographic using Photoshop

Typographic Portraits involve the use of letters/fonts of varying sized and typefaces to create shapes and figures that represent a human face (basically) and at the same time gives us some clue or answer to what that persons think or try to deliver. Before we begin, let me warn you that it is a task that requires medium patience but it gets better when you do a lot of repetition and use a little tweak and trick. Those tips I'll explain them in this tutorial. The picture below is the One that we will get at the end of this tutorial. The tutorial was original from inspiringpixel.com, but i modified it to get a black and white result.

avril-lavigne typography copy

Resource Image
If you want to get the best result of your portrait typographic you better have a high resolution stock image, stock image is the picture that we will turn into typographic. For me, i recently used 1200x800 pixel. But you still can use the small image, but the result wouldn't be look nice. I'll explain later. Below was the image I use in this tutorial. I download it from google, and the original resolution of this picture was 2111x3055.


Step One

First of all, we will import the image into Photoshop, you can use any version of Photoshop, mine was CS3. What are we going to do with this picture is to make it as a reference to for our typography. Our next step would be to extracting the face that we like to turn into typographic, before we making an adjusting to the brightness and contrast. You can use any method to extract the face from the background, but the express way is by using pen tool, if you don’t know how to use pen tool, you can use extracting option by pressing Ctrl+Alt+X at the same time, and the extracting option will pop-up in new window, just mark the line that you would like to retain in the picture using green highlight, then fill it with blue color using paint bucket. After you finish extracting click Ok. You should get something like picture below. ( First picture is in Extraction mode and the second picture was after the extraction)



Step Two

Now we are ready to make an adjustment to the picture. We will adjust the contrast and brightness go to (Image>Adjustments>Brightness/Contrast), here what are we going to is to differentiate between shadows and midtones of the picture, watch the picture below as a reference, you can compare the picture below with the picture above. The adjustment is according to the photos condition. As in this tutorial, the photo I used is brighter, so i wont decrease the brightness, but increase the contrast. You can experiment which is the best.


Step Three

Now go to (Select > Color Range) and select shadows from the dropdown menu. Then click OK, now there should be a selection in some area, this is the shadow area. Now right click on the selection area, and select Layer via copy. Right now, you have been creating new layer, rename the layer to “shadow” so you can remember. Repeat the same steps for the midtones as well.


Now, should have 3 layers. Next, turn off the other layer except for the shadows and midtones layers, you should get something like photo below.


Step Four

Now select the Shadows layer and go to (Edit > Fill). Choose the color Black and 100% Opacity, also you should make sure that Preserve Transparency box is checked!!!. Repeat the same with Midtones layer but this time choose 50% Grey with Preserve Transparency selected once again. The image should now be looking like the photo below.


At this moments, we have three layers, background (original photo) which is we don’t need anymore, shadows layer (black), and midtones layer (grey). We are going use shadows and midtones layers for our typography. The primary layers for our typography would be the shadows layer, if you would like to add more detail, the midtones layer can be used as a references but, for beginners I would suggest to hide the midtones layer.

Step Five

In this step we are not working with the photo, but we will making our preset brushes. Go to (File>New), and set the size to 640x480. And then type a word using Text tool, make sure the size of the font is high end. Since the brush size can always be adjusted later on. You can Make as many word as you like, do not write a sentences! 4 to 7 characters per word. And each word should be in a different layer. And also you can select different type of font for each word its up to you. And the picture below are the words that I used in this tutorial, combination of many style of font, but the font size i fix to 100pt.


Once you’ve done with the words, we will preset each word into a new brushes. Here’s how, first hold Ctrl button and click one of the thumbnails picture of your layers, the word layers, then you will see the selection on the word you choose. Then go to (Edit>Define brush preset), rename your new brush with anything that you can remember. Repeat the step for each word.

Step Six

Our new brushes is ready to use in this step, now lets get back to our main document, our typography. Note that there are a number of ways in which one can go about designing Typographic portraits. Some of them are briefly mentioned below: (we will use the one highlighted with green)

  • Using Brush Scattering properties to randomly put the text and then set the overlay mode to match the changing contrast. (Easiest of all)
  • Use a guide path to closely align each text according to the Image. (Toughest but gives the best results)
  • Use brush presets with a linked layer to automatically adjust the gradient of the brushes. (I personally do not recommend it)
  • Use of Individual brush strokes to position the text with changing size without aligning them. (A method that we shall be using)

Now, create a new layer and change the background color to white , put this layer below shadows layer, now adjust the opacity of the shadows layer to 50%. We will start drawing in the white layer we create just now.We select the brush preset and use each brush stroke/click to place the text at a particular location. Use the Change Brush Size shortcuts ( [ and ] keys on your keyboard ) to decrease or increase the size as per the area you are adding text to. In this part, you should draw each pattern according to the guide (shadows layer) keep the brush color to black, you may switch each brushes, THIS PART IS YOU NEED TO BE PATIENT AND ACCURATE.


Maybe this step require a lot of attention, and if you want to make it easier, use two brush only, but that would produce a bad picture. Here’s the trick, try to draw part by part, in this tutorial, i start from the upper head and go down, make sure to put a detail in each part, especially the eyes, nose. This part represent the face of the portrait. When working on the small part that need detail you can use small brush, just alter the position, so that the brightness of that part can be control easily. For this tutorial it will be much easier if you put attention on important part of the image, like eyes, nose mouth. Good luck! And the photo below was the final picture I’ve got.

avril-lavigne typography copy


What we have shown here is only the foundation step into the world of typographic posters. I suggest you take a look at some of the following resources for idea and get used to typographic portraits. And also you might like to visit the colored version of this tutorial in inspiringpixel.com.

· 45 Amazing Typographic Portraits on Abduzeedo

· Another approach to digital imagery by Computer Arts (PDF)

· Beauty of Typographic Portraits by Creative Den

· Hyper Reality in Typographic Portraits by ModernMet

· Typographic Portrait collection by Tutorial 9

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Avril Typography

After playing around with photoshop, and some tips about layer manipulation, i made to produce this kind of typography. Its not perfect, basic black and white. Because its my first time making typography. And the process is very linear. And the word is actually Avril's lyric in many of her singles!

First thing I do was find the right photo of avril with super high resolution, I import the picture into photoshop. After that, I made an adjusment with the brightness and contrast. and final touch for the fhoto was desaturate it. Thats it! then, I'm looking for the lyrics on the internet and make it as one long sentences (It takes time, but because i love Avril so much and her song I dont mind at all).
then I play with layering and blending. Im still new in explaining my workline, but Its easy, if you have a basic of photoshop, you can try it by yourself. And this is the direct link to my DevianArt.. Enjoy!
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Diamond Bokeh

This Diamond Bokeh Effect was created using Adobe Photoshop, what is the best part in this picture, i did not use any stock photo. I just made a new brush, one gray background layer, one diamond gradient layer with rainbow colour, and 3 Bokeh layer, with diffrent amount of blur effect. For more detail watch this tutorial. Thank you.
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The Others

Hello readers, I'm about to begin the new blog, for my other collection. In here I include most off my digital art collection to be shared with other people. In my previous blog, I've been including few thing, but its not my own product. So, here I'll try to make this blog site as a sharing medium with my interest.

My hobby, my current work, anything related to media and digital arts. Hope you all enjoy reading and sharing with me.
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